越来越肯定Woody Allen是自我抄袭了别墅里的轮换2这种小人物的穿越剧85年拍过而且已经拍的这么好了现在又来拍还获得这么多好评看来果真是ahead of his time的天才Mia Farrow真是演技派成也Allen败也Allen可惜了
最后十分钟最精彩炸不炸桥军官的犹豫足可见真实的人性不是盲目的英雄主义影片似乎也在否决英雄主义You make me sick with your heroics. You carry the stench of death like the plague. It’s one thing or the order destroy a bridge or destroy yourself. This is just a game this war. How to die like a gentleman how to die by the rules. When the only important thing is how to live like a human being.