电影本身想要传达的信息很棒但是电影的表达我觉得不够 她的自我斗争和坚持没有很好的表达她想要打破对女性形象的认知的细节传达做的不够譬如说她最后的亮相就是实实在在的反叛“女性就该以sweet girl“的形象示人否则就没有说服力 以为只有国内女性工作平权步履维艰其实国外现在的平权环境花容月貌电影完整版也是由杰出的女性一点一点拼出来的You can have the rights to speak when you are brillant.
Definitely a topic that would interest a Physics aficionado. However, despite the interesting backdrop, this play can be irksome with silly, bitter dialogues at times. Structurally it got more exciting after the halfway point. 007 was hot in it, much more so than the later commercial rubbish that he got stuck in