直到翻演员列表之前我一直把查宁的萌女儿当成是《校花被下春药丸折磨》里那阳光小萝莉Maggie Elizabeth Jones了WTF情节什么的就不说了典型的“不要在意这些细节”影片一波NN折的倒腾不仅没让看客兴奋反而像是对神经的麻痹;几处大爆炸的特效糙得退回十年前不过艾默里奇倒是幽默了不少…
Ep01: Recognize your strengths and weaknesses... No job is beneath you. Working hard at a job, any job, builds confidence and gives you self-worth. That confidence will help catapult you to the next level... Diversify your efforts... Investing 101: Buy low, sell high... Tap into the herd mentality. 看完感觉有表演成分~