或许我只看懂了一小部分 惊情四百年用华丽复古的方式讨论爱情 一晚上做三四次后无法勃起用同样的手法讨论人性 努力思考人性的吸血鬼是有看点的吸血鬼 结尾的戏谑让复古成为导演的消遣而不是盲从 让全片提升了一个档次 PS:皮特不适合这种阴柔的角色 克鲁斯同理 by the way 此片无论换成谁 我都要yy
Alice Cooper, first showed herself in public after being disclosed as a former Serpent member, showed off her dangerous charm with a scarlet, low–neck gown and shiny high-heeled sandels. She was SO stunning that the scene has been carved deeply in my mind with her high key proud and attractiveness.