我爱(大写)波兰电影是我的最佳外语片One hell of a story“上帝请原谅我因为我一直想找一个比我更糟糕的人”庆典那段配上波兰民谣我太爱了最后男主离开教堂背景的管风琴也是视听语言完美男主小哥我爱了有故事的大眼睛太会演了(此处cue另一位大眼仔纳老师年轻的母亲最近干啥去了)结尾够带劲但是觉得不算最好但是实在忍不住不给五星
“It would be so easy if loving only gave us the beautiful. But what loving demands is that we face the fear of losing each other. That when it gets messy we hold each other close. And when we can, we defiantly celebrate our brief moments of joy.”