Nobody does it better原来是从这里来的…对照一下这部片感觉迷失东京里Bob和酒吧女的fling有了多一层的意义007就是个背书“保守主义白人制造”的托盘因为载具本身太过纯粹不论是把“受西方影响的东方”还是“身处东方的西方”放上去都显得格外出离或者说“迷失“石柱林那里有个镜头前景两根大石柱左明右暗夹着远处渺小的人我可以
Lazarus reminds me of Black Star, Bowie’s last album, and then I saw Roman Bowie. What a surprise! I miss u. I’m not sure it’s a blasphemy, cuz Jesus made a mistake, but then correct it with his life. Well, he’s not perfect anymore, but he’s more human. As for ax... God could be no mercy or at least not the type we can understand.