世界观上有不太容易理解的部分. 但是细节做得极好,除了男主Claus,大多配角都塑造的个性丰富,鲜明,细节满满. 配上村田莲尔老师的人设.真的是硬核原创动画.机械蒸汽朋克设定.永远值得学习和回顾. >_< see you in the skies someday, 岂不是和 see you space cowboy 很像~~
Everything sucks!!! The ending must be a stupid joke! It sucks! Desperation, emptiness, endless waiting - all I could feel was just hopelessness! I don't want say anything, I've no idea what exactly I want to express. Since so, just shut my mouth!!!