American indie clichés trying too hard to be smart. 想装特别但又太学院派拍法很楞(可以数数导演为了表现“手机丢了”这件事时在几十分钟内用了几句台词、几个特写、几次平行蒙太奇)配乐也用得自作聪明人与畜禽CROPROATIO一导致每场戏的表义都被限死(大概是对自己的情节编写不够自信)想同时做知识分子喜剧和焦虑电影哪有那么简单
性来性去不如性冷淡性保守&性无能那对性感索德伯格撩术初试已练成“It has more intelligence than heart, and is more clever than enlightening. But it is never boring, and there are moments when it reminds us of how sexy the movies used to be, back in the days when speech was an erogenous zone.”