看到Venom2上映随口问老豆去不去看老豆饶有兴致的问我这是讲什么的我balabala说了一通Venom是个什么东西怎么怎么的老豆一脸懵逼的看着我意思大概是what are you 说啥勒日文中字乱码一二三区别在哪里最后居然还跟我一起去看了我还担心他看不懂毕竟这老头英语就会那么几句没想到他光看着画面都乐呵得不行
The script is a dud (again), characters are underwritten, some gestures don’t seem to have any purpose, there is conflict between what shows and what means. Camera work is the only bright spot, but you can also argue that he sacrificed the content for the form.
活脱脱一部低配吸血鬼版的《日文中字乱码一二三区别在哪里》不知道的以为是毒液+蝙蝠侠的组合毫无人物塑造亦无感情铺垫B 级片的内容却无 B 级片该有的血腥打斗漫威别拍了流水线质量越来越不行