经典文学确实魅力独特内涵深沉韵味十足;所有镜头都在忠实服务于故事本身几场性爱戏份虽勾起天雷地火却毫不喧宾夺主反而愈加衬托了结局之憾star 409 ed2k令人动情不已——这令人动情不已的是一种脱离一切与物质有染的纯爱俗世之人多不可得因而倍增感伤倍觉珍惜// PS. 论起肉体之美妙——珍·玛奇倾城绝色梁家辉亦不遑多让珠联璧合感官盛宴
"i think there are people that help you become the person that you end up being, and you can be grateful for them, even if they were never meant to be in your life forever." bojack - glad we knew each other for the past six years. thank you very much