看得我汗毛倒竖头皮发麻看1/2以为哪里外来的现实扭曲者敢来地球撒野超级好看的软妹纸也不看看是谁的地盘看完才知道扭曲现实的是神之子们就是我们的贪嗔痴慢疑生造出的地狱现前把地球弄得乌烟瘴气乱七八糟we are not ready当我们准备好我们就会记忆起我们遗忘的能力然后we will manifest the best in usthis is the greatest gift of mankind,imagine what you will and you can have it
Build up this stuff in their minds, take each little thing a guy does, and then twist it into something else. It's insane. 小本这样的好男人哪里找?丨 2020 It's insane. Lo pasado pasado.丨22 pide.