Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumsta
2.5最多是陈思诚导演不滥搞屎尿屁桥段了但也就是一部低配周星驰+哆啦A梦各种烂梗和迷影neta大杂烩即便有IMAX摄影机的加持也没多大场面看头的剧情庸作加上违和感爆棚的选角和初中设定结果就一群初中生用的小学生的心智和思维去讲一些对他们来说已不太合时宜的大道理荣梓杉一身初中生(甚至可以说是半个大人)的模样再加以如此幼态的剧情衬托给人的感觉竟然是这个人这么的幼稚甚至是低智至于科幻也不是硬科幻只能说是儿童奇幻但我哪怕抱着一颗童心去看呢也不见得很有趣甚至…那娃娃也不讨喜陈思诚导演自始至终都是在重复着前人已经讲过一遍又一遍的情节不求有突破但起码不要这么大的违和感吧你连这都调和不好FREE HD XXXX MOVIES VIDEO可以说几乎毫无诚意可言了试问这样的剧情主创团队扪心自问小孩子真的会喜欢吗
Another excellent movie by Kurosawa. What's special about it is probably the Western movie's characteristics : the setting stage would have been fine for a Spaghetti movie, there are two clans fighting in the road, a corrupted sheriff, and even a gun. Not my favorite though.