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凡是过往皆为序章谎言是真相的倒影映射的不仅仅是悲剧更是人心本身哀怆有力的纯正本格推理电影编排上有《FREE MOBILE CHINA》的影子沉重的原罪牵引着痛苦的沉沦一个悲剧衍生出更多悲剧剧情扎实配乐上乘真挚感人
"I am a nomad, not a farmer. I am an adorer of the unfaithful, the changing, the fantastic.""The one thing you dread it, letting yourself fall, taking the step into uncertainty, the little step beyond all the securities that existed. And whoever had once surrendered himself, one single time. Who ever had entrusted himself to fate was liberated. It was blissful to live, it was blissful to die. No magic ever interrupted the eternal chain of birth, the endless succession of God's breath. But there was another kind of peace to be found within your own self. Its name was, let yourself fall. Do not fight back, die gladly live gladly."