This film may not be entertaining but I cant help myslef drawing into the aesthetic aspect of black and white cinematography. Smoke in the air is beautiful, I feel a sense of peace in the hustle. People are good looking in the way they dress, smoke and hold the glasses.
觉得第三季Mrs. Maisal的段子比前两季接地气和正常多了就至少我能get到大部分笑点惹 Midge的事业如火如荼Joel找了个华裔女朋友这一季对于他和女主的关系挖掘得也更深刻包括Joel害怕自己只有在伴侣帮助下才能有事业的心理跟阿梅吵架还有Joel和Midge新婚新孕的甜蜜和离婚后孩子抚养问题的分歧当年有多甜后来看起来就有多遗憾多难过Anyway两人自然是相爱的所以爱情和婚姻究竟应该如何发展和进行日本精品无码亚洲专区这个命题是亘古难题 I think it the most wonderful season of the three so far. Looking forward to the next