可爱温暖神叨丧爱是章鱼的拥抱 “This world is full of heartbreakrejectiondepression and despair.” “一副油腻且虚弱多病的身体领家特工是当今社会成功人士的象征” “没法做到绝对公平总有人会觉得你的决定对他们不公平而最公平的决定就是令所有人都觉得糟糕的决定” 脑洞和深度并存讽刺点和吐槽点很有趣另第7集有点儿小感动
"You must remember: Don't use all yourself. But down yourself, just one step. To help the weak ones at your side. The weaker ones that cry for help, the persecuted and the victim. They are your friends, friends of yours and mine."