当现代电子游戏不断谦虚学习并成功实现诸多伟大的电影视听技法和叙事技巧时很遗憾看到一部电影对游戏的视觉美学理解还停留在“街机”和“半透明蓝”时代 电影人还是那么傲慢地不了解游戏 剧情和主题思想却有深挖的潜力尽管它的逻辑和机制不那么像一个游戏双飞什么意思只是大游戏独角兽公司与独立游戏作者的矛盾寓言 或许一个有意识的数字角色也能高呼:无产者们联合起来 “There is no bank.” 质感太像《我看见兽》了 3+2 btw我爱电影我爱游戏
Feels like a Woody Allen film with a more personal and feministic touch. I can resonate with Frances in so many ways: an idealist, a dreamer, messy, undateable, being broke in late 20s but still unwilling to cave in and settle for less. I understand their friendship: “a les couple who don’t have sex anymore.” And that’s why I love this film.