小时候觉得茉莉就是所有公主里最美的她好性感啊嗷嗷嗷除了尤金阿里是我最喜欢的“王子”但他们恰恰都不是王子汤芳的人体艺术只是刚好喜欢上了公主当然咯他们都非常的幽默会逗女孩子开心当他们在魔毯上飞翔于世界各地A whole new world的音乐响起我突然想到当和喜欢的人在一起时好像就会进入属于两个人的新世界那里瑰丽又浪漫总有更辽阔的世界等着二人一起去探索好喜欢这样的爱情
In its own flung out of space fashion, everything collides in it, thanks to the intricate editing that truly reflects professional tastes. It is fair to conclude that the loop theory's been widely accepted as recurring on various accounts. See you next season, if there's one.