我决定了Minnesota是最好笑的美国口音没有之一远远超越波士顿口音和南方口音"real good then!" "oh yah!" 幽默到简直不像科恩像昆汀万相之王可能因为Steve Buscemi太好笑了;more farce than drama; Roger Deakins delivers the vast emptiness as he would later in 老无所依
第一部长篇纪录片/弗拉哈迪 A largely faked, romanticized white man’s view of Inuk people 现在看起来异国情调的猎奇感还是很明显但是还是挺有意思的 Remediation - All signs of modernity are banished - Rifles Inuk people use regularly don’t show on the movie - Want a stark contrast between the northern life and the industrial south