补某个暑假寻常人家的日常生活刻画得好完美beauty lies in the seemingly everyday mundane.但男主婚后习以为常妻子的日常操持后脾气变得暴躁那段真讨厌色母片是什么这么大个人了还要哄看来古今中外的例子中有个硬气的娘家撑腰都能或多或少获益夫妻间的日常生活的确不同人有不同的纬度去看这户人家总体上还是蛮可爱的~
Rather than the story itself, Eggers is more concerned with a certain way of filmmaking - let’s say a certain level of visual intensity and an innate authenticity inherited in folklores and mythologies that makes that type of storytelling the dominant narrative form in western cultures. That way he can get deeper into what those cultures are.